Monday, October 16, 2006

Do You See The Log In These Pictures?

Ella Huffin was stunned to see an image of a log appear around a Jesus Christ-like figure at her northeast side Milwaukee home.

In Passaic, New Jersey, crowds are flocking to see a mysterious image of a stump surrounding a shape resembling the Virgin Mary.

And Donna Vicarrone says it's truly a miracle that she can see an image of a log in the background of a water stain that looks like the Blessed Mother in her Cleveland backyard.

"There's tons of pictures of Jesus and stuff in the Bible, and on TV. But to see a log, right here in my backyard. Wow. Shivers."

Vicarrone has shown the photo to a local woodsman and a tree surgeon, both of whom confirmed: it's a log. And it's a miracle.


Anonymous said...

We see what we want to see, don't we?

For example, the other day I saw a homeless guy vomiting blood.

Oh, wait. I didn't want to see that.

Anonymous said...

Once I was looking at a piece of coal, and I saw something that I'll never ever forget.

Anonymous said...

Gimme a second, I'll think of it.

Anonymous said...

Aw shit, I forget what it was.

But it was very cool and made a very big impression on me.

Anonymous said...

I just read somewhere that "The Passion of the Log" is scheduled for a Christmas release. Coincidence? I think not.

jana said...

Haha funny.

Anonymous said...

Very funny post. I enjoyed it immensely.

zach_grosser said...

you know if you want answers go to it will give you answers, sort of

zach_grosser said...

awww shit!! i forgot the thing i saw in a deep frying machine.. ohh ya it was a chicken delisios